Results for 'Vera Rudge Werneck'

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  1.  1
    A ideologia na educação: um estudo sobre a interferẽncia da ideologia no processo educativo.Vera Rudge Werneck - 1982 - Petrópolis: Vozes.
  2.  30
    Skin as cover: the discursive effects of 'covering' metaphors on wound care practices.Trudy Rudge - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (4):228-237.
    Skin as cover: the discursive effects of 'covering' metaphors on wound care practicesThis paper outlines a Foucauldian analysis of interactions between nurses and patients during wound care procedures in a burns unit. It explores the use of Kristeva's psychoanalytic concepts of abjection and the abject body to illuminate the emotional affects of wounds on nurse and patient. In this process, I identify how cultural metaphoric understandings about skin influence and organise the care of burns patients. Such analysis suggests the import (...)
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    Managerialism, governmentality and the evolving regulatory climate.Trudy Rudge - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):1-2.
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    Taking the Peppered Moth with a Grain of Salt.David Wÿss Rudge - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (1):9-37.
    H. B. D. Kettlewell's (1955, 1956) classic field experiments on industrial melanism in polluted and unpolluted settings using the peppered moth, Biston betularia, are routinely cited as establishing that the melanic (dark) form of the moth rose in frequency downwind of industrial centers because of the cryptic advantage dark coloration provides against visual predators in soot-darkened environments. This paper critiques three common myths surrounding these investigations: (1) that Kettlewell used a model that identified crypsis as the only selective force responsible (...)
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  5. O espiritismo tropicalizado e o tratamento espiritual – um estudo de caso em Santa Luzia – MG. 2011.Luzia Maria de Jesus Werneck - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):403-404.
    DISSERTAÇÃO DE MESTRADO WERNECK, Luzia Maria de Jesus. O espiritismo tropicalizado e o tratamento espiritual : um estudo de caso em Santa Luzia – MG. 2011. 137 folhas. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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    The 'well‐run' system and its antimonies.Trudy Rudge - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (3):167-176.
    An aim of all of the management of healthcare systems is the smooth provision of services. A great deal of effort is put into ensuring processes will obtain this ideal – the well‐run system. The central argument in this paper is that these processes result in a system that perpetrates violence and coercion on its clients and workers. This violence is structural and personalizing in its effects. Moreover, time and effort is taken away from the actual work of the system (...)
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  7.  22
    Situating wound management: technoscience, dressings and ‘other’ skins.Trudy Rudge - 1999 - Nursing Inquiry 6 (3):167-177.
    This paper addresses the notion of wound care as a technology of skin and other skins imbued with the combined power of technology and science. It presents the discourses of wound care evident in the accounts of patients and nurses concerning this care, and discussions about wounds in wound care interest groups, journals, and advertising material about wound care products. The discussion focuses on wounds and wound dressings as effects immanent in the power relations of discourses of wound care. These (...)
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    Recent Introductory Philosophy of Biology Texts.David W. ss Rudge - 2000 - Journal of the History of Biology 33 (1).
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    Luzes da luz: amor e unidade no Masnavî.Mário Guimarães Werneck Filho - 2006 - Horizonte 5 (9):139-139.
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    Fronteiras históricas e epistemológicas do Ensino Religioso: uma área de conhecimento em busca da transdisciplinaridade.Felippe Nunes Werneck - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1408-1409.
    Dissertação: WERNECK, Felippe Nunes. Fronteiras históricas e epistemológicas do Ensino Religioso: uma área de conhecimento em busca da transdisciplinaridade. 2014. Dissertação , Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
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    Kettlewell from an error statisticians's point of view.David Wÿss Rudge - 2001 - Perspectives on Science 9 (1):59-77.
    : Bayesians and error statisticians have relied heavily upon examples from physics in developing their accounts of scientific inference. The present essay demonstrates it is possible to analyze H.B.D. Kettlewell's classic study of natural selection from Deborah Mayo's error statistical point of view (Mayo 1996). A comparison with a previous analysis of this episode from a Bayesian perspective (Rudge 1998) reveals that the error statistical account makes better sense of investigations such as Kettlewell's because it clarifies how core elements (...)
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  12. The Metasemantics of Indefinite Extensibility.Vera Flocke - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (4):817-834.
    ABSTRACT Generality relativism is the view that any domain of quantification can always be expanded. The view promises to resolve a broad range of paradoxes, but, without an explanation of how domains expand, it sounds very mysterious. Proponents of linguistic versions of generality relativism try to demystify the view by likening domain expansions to semantic change. They think that domains expand when we re-interpret certain terms so that, upon re-interpretation, the quantifiers range over more things. This article makes trouble for (...)
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  13.  42
    Black nurse in white space? Rethinking the in/visibility of race within the Australian nursing workplace.Virginia Mapedzahama, Trudy Rudge, Sandra West & Amelie Perron - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (2):153-164.
    MAPEDZAHAMA V, RUDGE T, WEST S and PERRON A. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 153–164 [Epub ahead of print]Black nurse in white space? Rethinking the in/visibility of race within the Australian nursing workplaceThis article presents an analysis of data from a critical qualitative study with 14 skilled black African migrant nurses, which document their experiences of nurse‐to‐nurse racism and racial prejudice in Australian nursing workplaces. Racism generally and nurse‐to‐nurse racism specifically, continues to be under‐researched in explorations of these workplaces; when (...)
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  14.  34
    Desiring productivity: nary a wasted moment, never a missed step!Trudy Rudge - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (3):201-211.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore how nurses are enrolled into and take part in programmes of efficiency and effectiveness. Using the philosophical theorizing about desire as a force or power, I focus specifically on what is understood as relations between desire and productivity in current Westernized health‐care systems. Use is made of the idea from Spinoza that human emotions consist only of pleasure, pain, and desire as these act as a motive force. This is then linked with (...)
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    Taking the peppered moth with a grain of salt.DavidWÿss Rudge - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (1):9-37.
    H. B. D. Kettlewell's (1955, 1956) classic field experiments on industrial melanism in polluted and unpolluted settings using the peppered moth, Biston betularia, are routinely cited as establishing that the melanic (dark) form of the moth rose in frequency downwind of industrial centers because of the cryptic advantage dark coloration provides against visual predators in soot-darkened environments. This paper critiques three common myths surrounding these investigations: (1) that Kettlewell used a model that identified crypsis as the only selective force responsible (...)
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    Loop Quantum Gravity: A New Threat to Humeanism? Part I: The Problem of Spacetime.Vera Matarese - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (3):232-259.
    In this paper, I discuss whether the results of loop quantum gravity (LQG) constitute a fatal blow to Humeanism. There is at least a prima facie reason for believing so: while Humeanism regards spatiotemporal relations as fundamental, LQG describes the fundamental layer of our reality in terms of spin networks, which are not in spacetime. However, the question should be tackled more carefully. After explaining the importance of the debate on the tenability of Humeanism in light of LQG, and having (...)
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    Changes Observed in Views of Nature of Science During a Historically Based Unit.David Wÿss Rudge, David Paul Cassidy, Janice Marie Fulford & Eric Michael Howe - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (9):1879-1909.
  18. Le pragmatisme classique et la démocratie. La perception de la démocratie et de la pédagogie chez John Dewey vue par la théorie de l'action.Jörg Wernecke - 2010 - Synthesis Philosophica 25 (1):19-36.
    John Dewey est connu, aux côtés de Ch. S. Peirce et W. James, non seulement comme pere fondateur du pragmatisme classique américain, mais aussi pour ses contributions majeures au développement de la pédagogie réformiste moderne et a la légitimation du modele social démocratique qui, depuis, s’est fait connaître au-dela du contexte académique de l’éducation. L’article suivant détectera systématiquement, a travers le prisme de la théorie de l’action, la relation implicite qui existe entre ses concepts de pragmatisme, de pédagogie et de (...)
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  19. Special issue: Darwin and Darwinism. Part One: Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Studies.David Rudge & Kostas Kampourakis (eds.) - 2010 - Springer (Science & Education).
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    Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior. Elliott Sober, David Sloan Wilson.David Rudge - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):379-380.
  21.  18
    Dinglers »Prinzip der pragmatischen Ordnung« in einem handlungstheoretischen Kontext.Jörg Wernecke - 2006 - In Peter Janich (ed.), Wissenschaft Und Leben: Philosophische Begründungsprobleme in Auseinandersetzung Mit Hugo Dingler. Transcript Verlag. pp. 29-52.
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    Marcas de oralidade e memória no Livro das mil e uma noites.Mariza Martins Furquim Werneck - 2017 - Bakhtiniana 12 (3):96-118.
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  23. Simulierte Fiktionen und fiktionalisierte Simulationen?J. Wernecke - 1999 - Synthesis Philosophica 14 (1-2):201-234.
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  24.  30
    A bayesian analysis of strategies in evolutionary biology.David Wyss Rudge - 1998 - Perspectives on Science 6 (4):341-360.
    : Most work done in philosophy of experiment has focused on experiments taken from the domain of physics. The present essay tests whether Allan Franklin's (1984, 1986, 1989, 1990) philosophy of experiment developed in the context of high energy physics can be extended to include examples from evolutionary biology, such as H. B. D. Kettlewell's (1955, 1956, 1958) famous studies of industrial melanism in the peppered moth, Biston betularia. The analysis demonstrates that many of the techniques used by evolutionary biologists (...)
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    Response: Insider ethnography: researching nursing from within.Trudy Rudge - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (1):58-58.
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    David Wÿss Rudge, Review of The Evolution Wars: A Guide to the Debates by Michael Ruse. [REVIEW]David Wyss Rudge - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (2):270-272.
  27.  30
    Rumi: a natureza e o mundo como espelhos de Deus.Mário Werneck - 2023 - Horizonte 21 (64):216407-216407.
    O presente trabalho busca mostrar o processo de criação sob o ponto de vista da poesia mística de Rumi. Portanto, procura demonstrar como Rumi dá vida, em seus escritos, ao máximo ato vivificador, à beleza com a qual ele entende e transporta, pelas palavras, o conhecimento do ato criador divino. Trata-se, portanto, de mostrar o processo de criação pelo qual as criaturas recebem a filiação do Criador, e como esse elo primordial com a transcendência é então capaz de inspirar todo (...)
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    Contested remembrance: The Hiroshima exhibit controversy.Vera L. Zolberg - 1998 - Theory and Society 27 (4):565-590.
  29.  47
    Children in clinical research: A conflict of moral values.Vera Hassner Sharav - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (1):12 – 59.
    This paper examines the culture, the dynamics and the financial underpinnings that determine how medical research is being conducted on children in the United States. Children have increasingly become the subject of experiments that offer them no potential direct benefit but expose them to risks of harm and pain. A wide range of such experiments will be examined, including a lethal heartburn drug test, the experimental insertion of a pacemaker, an invasive insulin infusion experiment, and a fenfluramine "violence prediction" experiment. (...)
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    Fray Alonso de la Vera Cruz: antología sobre el hombre y la libertad.Alonso de la Vera Cruz - 2002 - México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Edited by Mauricio Beuchot.
  31.  16
    A transgressão estrutural do pensamento de Artaud.Vera Lúcia Felício - 1988 - Discurso 17:173-178.
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    Boris N. Chicherin’s Doctrine of Property: Basic Ideas and Unique Features.Vera M. Lobeeva - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (1):43-53.
    This article examines Boris N. Chicherin’s ideas about property. It shows that the thinker interprets property as a material form of the objectification of human freedom, the most important and nec...
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  33. Lo sviluppo del pensiero di Charles Renouvier.Vera Lombardi - 1932 - Napoli-Città di Castello,: F. Perrella.
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    Denken im Modell: Theorie und Erfahrung im Paradigma eines pragmatischen Modellbegriffs.Jörg Wernecke - 1994 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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  35. Die poiesis der Zeit und die Zeit der poiesis.Jörg Wernecke - 2001 - Synthesis Philosophica 16 (1):63-78.
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  36. Die Postmoderne und The Spirit of the Information Age: Post-Lyotard?Jörg Wernecke - 2002 - Synthesis Philosophica 17 (2):237-256.
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  37.  14
    Pensando bem: estudos de sociologia e antropologia da moral.Alexandre Werneck & Luís R. Cardoso de Oliveira (eds.) - 2014 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Casa da Palavra.
    Este livro é o resultado de três anos de debates entre estudiosos interessados em entender o modo como diferentes dimensões da vida podem ser lidas sob a perspectiva da moral. Afinal, embora este tenha sido sempre um tema importante para a sociologia e a antropologia, raros têm sido os esforços brasileiros para a realização de pesquisas empíricas nessa área. Considerando essa lacuna, os autores dos 22 ensaios que fazem parte de Pensando bem se concentram na discussão prática da moral tomada (...)
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  38. The Book of Revelation Speaks to Us.Herbert W. Wernecke - 1954
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    (Re)writing ethnography: the unsettling questions for nursing research raised by post‐structural approaches to ‘the field’.Trudy Rudge - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (3):146-152.
    Positivist ethnographic research situates the participant observer in an objectivist position towards the field. Using poststructural perspectives to analyse the field challenges and unsettles objectivist assumptions underpinning ethnography. Neither is merging of the two approaches completely unproblematic. A crucial element in a coherent amalgam centres around resolution of potential contradictions emanating from the place of field notes in ethnographic research, and the position of the researcher (author) vis‐a‐vis such notes. Contemporary approaches to field notes maintain that such notes are not (...)
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    Emphasizing the History of Genetics in an Explicit and Reflective Approach to Teaching the Nature of Science.Cody Tyler Williams & David Wÿss Rudge - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (3-4):407-427.
    Science education researchers have long advocated the central role of the nature of science for our understanding of scientific literacy. NOS is often interpreted narrowly to refer to a host of epistemological issues associated with the process of science and the limitations of scientific knowledge. Despite its importance, practitioners and researchers alike acknowledge that students have difficulty learning NOS and that this in part reflects how difficult it is to teach. One particularly promising method for teaching NOS involves an explicit (...)
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    Ideals of independence.Vera Fischer & Diana Carolina Montoya - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (5-6):767-785.
    We study two ideals which are naturally associated to independent families. The first of them, denoted \, is characterized by a diagonalization property which allows along a cofinal sequence of stages along a finite support iteration to adjoin a maximal independent family. The second ideal, denoted \\), originates in Shelah’s proof of \ in Shelah, 433–443, 1992). We show that for every independent family \, \\subseteq \mathcal {J}_\mathcal {A}\) and define a class of maximal independent families, to which we refer (...)
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    How metacontrol biases and adaptivity impact performance in cognitive search tasks.Vera N. Mekern, Zsuzsika Sjoerds & Bernhard Hommel - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):251-259.
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    (1 other version)The spectrum of independence.Vera Fischer & Saharon Shelah - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):877-884.
    We study the set of possible sizes of maximal independent families to which we refer as spectrum of independence and denote \\). Here mif abbreviates maximal independent family. We show that:1.whenever \ are finitely many regular uncountable cardinals, it is consistent that \\); 2.whenever \ has uncountable cofinality, it is consistent that \=\{\aleph _1,\kappa =\mathfrak {c}\}\). Assuming large cardinals, in addition to above, we can provide that $$\begin{aligned} \cap \hbox {Spec}=\emptyset \end{aligned}$$for each i, \.
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    Tightening the reins on nursing practice.Trudy Rudge & Sally Thorne - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (3):187-187.
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    Maximal cofinitary groups revisited.Vera Fischer - 2015 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 61 (4-5):367-379.
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    Accounting for the unaccountable: theorising the unthinkable.Trudy Rudge & Dave Holmes - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (3):181-181.
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    Pierrre Bourdieu E as regras do Campo literário.Vera Teixeira de Aguiar - 1996 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 41 (162):237-241.
    Este estudo apresenta as principais ideias de Pierre Bourdieu referentes à análise sociológica da literatura, quando discute as seguintes questões: as relações entre a literatura e a ciência, as possibilidades de análise sociológica da literatura, a definição do campo literário, as relações do campo literário com o campo econômico e os demais campos do espaço social, as relações de oposição no interior do campo, a análise das obras literárias considerando as relações entre o código literário e os que se referem (...)
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    The international planned parenthood federation: part I: Its history and influence.Vera Houghton - 1961 - The Eugenics Review 53 (3):149.
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  49. A More Perfect Union: Bacon’s Correspondence of Form and Policy.Vera Keller - 2016 - In Guido Giglioni, James A. T. Lancaster, Sorana Corneanu & Dana Jalobeanu (eds.), Francis Bacon on Motion and Power. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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    ‘A bit of common ground’: personalisation and the use of shared knowledge in interactions between people with learning disabilities and their personal assistants.Philippa Rudge, Kerrie Ford, Lisa Ponting & Val Williams - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (5):607-624.
    Personalisation is the new mantra in social care; this article focuses on how personalisation can be achieved in practice, by presenting an analysis of data from people with learning disabilities and their personal assistants, where traditional care relationships have often been shown to be disempowering. The focus here is on the ways in which both parties use references to shared knowledge, joint experiences or personal-life information. These strategies can be used for various social goals, and instances are given where shared (...)
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